Sweep Info
Chimney sweeping, how often do I need my chimney swept?
The type of fuel you burn will determine how often your chimney should be swept. Don't forget to give your chimney a clean sweep before winter as dust and debris can build up or blockages can occur if it has not been used regularly over the summer months.
How often should I clean my chimney
Fires can start accidentally in your chimney. Soot and fuel slowly build up in chimneys over time and sometimes these leftovers can catch fire. If this happens, the chimney could send burning soot into your living room or start fires within the roof space or on other floors of the house. Even if it doesn't burn the house down, a chimney fire can cause a huge mess. You can help prevent this by having your chimney swept regularly. If you feel that your chimney is overdue a sweep or have any concerns then please contact us for a no obligation quote or free impartial advice.